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星光耀眼 第128节

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“And from now to my very last breath, ”(从今而后,只要我尚在人世)

“This day I'll cherish, ”(婚礼这天都为我所珍惜)

“You look so beautiful in white Tonight, ”(今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美)


“And if our daughter is what our future holds, ”(假使日后你我的爱情结晶是个女孩)

这首《Beautiful In White》现在唱来,恰如其分,十分应景。

“Not sure if you know this, ”(不知你是否清楚)

“But when we first met, ”(当你我初次相遇)

“I got so nervous I couldn't speak, ”(我局促到语无伦次)

“In that very moment, ”(在那特别一刻)

“I hope she has your eyes, ”(那我希望她能有与你一样的明眸)

“Finds love like you and I did, ”(也希望她能找到想你我这般的爱)

“Yeah, if she falls in love and we will let her go, ”(要是她坠入爱河,那我就让她去寻她真爱)

“I'll walk her down the aisle, ”(我会挽着她的手,送她步入婚礼殿堂)

“I found the one and, ”(我找到我心中所属)

“my life had found this missing piece, ”(生活也终于得以圆满)

“So as long as I live I love you, ”(所以,我爱你,至死不渝)

“Will heaven hold you, ”(我将会,呵护你,无微不至)

“You look so beautiful in white, ”(你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人)

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